VF Corporation Recognized on Newsweek’s Green Rankings for 2016

Newsweek has named VF Corporation one of the top companies as part of the magazine’s 2016 Green Rankings. The rankings are based on key performance indicators that are used to assess and measure the environmental performance of the world’s largest publicly traded companies.

“Sustainability and responsibility are an integral part of VF. Integrating people and the planet into the profit equation is simply smart business,” said Letitia Webster, VF’s Vice President, Global Corporate Sustainability. “We are one of the largest apparel and footwear companies in the world. With our footprint and influence, we must lead the industry to both act and to be a voice for action.”

In the past two years, VF launched its first sustainability report, achieved a 5 percent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions in 2015 (compared to 2009 levels) and designated 7 distribution centers as ‘zero-waste’ facilities. VF has also pledged to use 100 percent renewable energy by 2025 at all VF-owned and-operated facilities.

The Newsweek Green Rankings are one of the world’s most recognized assessments of corporate environmental performance, comprehensively evaluating the environmental performance of the 500 largest publicly traded companies in the United States and around the world. The rankings are based on publicly available information as of 2014 around eight key performance indicators: Energy Productivity, Greenhouse Gas Productivity, Water Productivity, Waste Productivity, Green Revenue Score, Sustainability Pay Link, Sustainability Board Committee, and Audited Environmental Metrics.

Additional highlights of VF’s sustainability progress are available here. For more information about the 2016 Newsweek Green Rankings, visit here.

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