Laura Turner Seydel to address Buckhead Business Association

An acclaimed international environmental advocate and eco-living expert will appear before the Buckhead Business Association (BBA) this week.

Laura Turner Seydel, chairperson of the Captain Planet Foundation, will address the civic organization at 7:30 a.m. on Thursday, Jan. 28. Seydel is the daughter of CNN founder and former Atlanta Braves owner Ted Turner.

Seydel and her husband live in Atlanta with their three children in Atlanta. Their home, aptly named EcoManor, is the first LEED-certified Gold residence in the southeastern United States.

The BBA holds breakfast meetings at 7:30 a.m. most Thursday mornings at the City Club of Buckhead. Meetings feature a business, political or civic leader as a speaker, and topics usually include leading issues within the Buckhead community and Atlanta as a whole.

Tickets for members are $10 in advance and $12 at the door; non-member tickets are $20.For more information, visit

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