Stay safe while traveling this holiday

ATLANTA — Authorities are warning motorists to stay safe this holiday by focusing on the road, not a mobile device.

A new poll from AAA indicates that eight in 10 feel less safe as a passenger in a vehicle with a driver who is texting. According to AAA, some sort of driver inattention occurs in an estimated 80 percent of all crashes.

“There is a growing concern about distracted driving and its impact on safe driving”, Michele Harris, director of AAA traffic safety culture, The Auto Club Group, said in a news release. “Every year, nearly 40,000 people die on our nation’s roadways, and that is about the same number as if a 727 jet crashed every single day of the year. If this were to ever be a reality, people would demand that something be done about it.”

Many states, including Georgia, have banned motorists from texting while behind the wheel. AAA suggests pulling off the road before making a call and even programming a GPS before hitting the road.

Meanwhile, authorities nationwide, are stepping up patrols to keep motorists safe this season.

“The message is short and sweet,” Governor’s Office of Highway Safety Director Harris Blackwood said in a news release. “Drive sober or you’ll get pulled over. Drinking alcohol and driving is no present for anyone so if you plan to consume alcohol, you better plan for a sober driver to get you home safely.”

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